
Thy Kingdom Come Novenas 2017 by deanery areaAbout TKCLatest NewsPrayer ResourcesTKC 2016TestimoniesContact

Welcome to this shared ecumenical Thy Kingdom Come Novena website. 

See deanery area links for what happened where across the Winchester diocese
as people joined in  9 days of prayer together between
Acension and Pentecost (25th May - 4th June 2017

  Churches, community groups, and individuals, across denominations and across the world, connected in this extraordinary wave of prayer, praying together: 
Come Holy Spirit, Thy Kingdom Come 

Throughout Pentecost weekend, Tents on the Green 

During the Pentecost weekend there was a festival of Tents on the Green, with 48 hours of worship involving a worship vigil through the Friday & Saturday nights inside the Cathedral. 

Thy Kingdom Come prayer novena culminated in thousands worshipping together at the Winchester Cathedral Beacon Event on Pentecost Sunday.  Hosted by Bishop David and Carla Harding (24-7 Prayer) with Archbishop Justin preaching, and Neil Bennetts and Matt Redman leading worship. 

Photos of Beacon Event here

Photos of Tents on the Green here

Photos from a few Prayer Novenas here and on the regional pages on this website

Looking forward to next year!  

Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow him, might ‘be one that the world might believe’. We are invited to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.

Archbishop Justin Welby

© St Mary’s Old Basing 2016